Newton Longville Church of England Primary School

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)


The Governors and staff of the school are committed to the belief that all pupils should have the same right of access to the curriculum. The provision for pupils experiencing special educational needs is seen as a part of the mainstream curriculum. No pupil will be refused admittance to the school solely on the grounds of their having special educational needs.

The school seeks to identify pupils experiencing special educational needs through continuous assessment by each class teacher and through a screening programme. In addition, any parent who feels that their child has a marked learning difficulty should contact the class teacher or the school's SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator):

The school's SENDCO is Mrs. S. Craker

Pupils identified with special educational needs will be assigned extra provision and support according to the DfE ode of Practice. At Newton Longville School this can include working with a Teaching Assistant and involvement with Specialist Support Services and the County Educational Psychologist. 

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For help and advice with parenting at home, please see our Parents page.






School Policies and documents